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Meet the Author
I'm Jennifer, and I'm an Occasional Genealogist... sort of. For over ten years I've been a professional genealogist. I started researching my own family nearly 30 years ago. Like many of you, I started as an Occasional Genealogist. I had to squeeze research in while in school and while working full-time. Then I got my first genealogy job and for awhile, it was genealogy all the time. Now I have two kids. I do other people's genealogy constantly but my own? Coming up with ways to do great genealogy, despite all the interruptions, is now mandatory.

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Genealogy in 45 Minutes a Day: The Lunchtime Genealogist

This post is for (what I consider) the quintessential Occasional Genealogist. It is for the busy person who's only chance to do genealogy is on their lunch break (or perhaps during naptime if you're a stay at home mom with children who still nap).

This series is tips with advice and encouragement to achieve real research results in a whole bunch of small segments of time (your lunch break). You will need some supplemental research sessions but you don't need to know any details about that ahead of time. You'll figure it out when it's time.

RELATED: I also have a post that breaks research planning and reporting down into segments you can do in 15-minutes a day.

This post isn't going to lay out all the tips. I don't think that would be the easiest way to achieve results day after day (and I know there will be days you don't do genealogy, so don't worry!).

Instead, I've started a "series" via my Instagram account. Each work day there is a tip posted around lunchtime (eastern time).

These are bite-sized tips, something you should be able to accomplish in a 45-minute lunch break. For some of them, you will need to plan what you're going to do in subsequent breaks. Others should be achievable the day you read the tip.

I'm aiming for a mix between planning and spur of the moment tasks. Also, these aren't meant to be a sequence. Some might make sense in order, others are random.

The nice thing about Instagram is you can search for the hashtag associated with this series, #lunchtimegenealogist, and pull up all of them and pick and choose. I hope you'll follow @theoccasionalgenealogist so you get the tips as they come out. If you miss a day, want to see one again, or just need different inspiration than that day's tip, searching for the hashtag will help you.

The tips are also automatically posted to Facebook for those who don't use Instagram. On The Occasional Genealogist page you can search for the same hashtag (#lunchtimegenealogist). There's also a photo album that is just the tips.

This series is limited just to Instagram and Facebook. Follow The Occasional Genealogist on your chosen platform to get notifications of the tips.
If you like this series, tell your friends, tell me you like it, and tell your friends to tell me (if they like it).

I hope this will provide inspiration and actionable tasks so you do more genealogy, no matter how little time you have.

Looking for something you can do right now?
How about 50 genealogy tasks you can do in 15-minutes or less? Click below to get your free copy.

What would you need to do more genealogy in the next year? Leave a comment.