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Meet the Author
I'm Jennifer, and I'm an Occasional Genealogist... sort of. For over ten years I've been a professional genealogist. I started researching my own family nearly 30 years ago. Like many of you, I started as an Occasional Genealogist. I had to squeeze research in while in school and while working full-time. Then I got my first genealogy job and for awhile, it was genealogy all the time. Now I have two kids. I do other people's genealogy constantly but my own? Coming up with ways to do great genealogy, despite all the interruptions, is now mandatory.

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Showing posts from March, 2016

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Simple DNA Project Tracking Form for Evernote

As part of my post " Is DNA the 'Magic Bullet' for OGs ," I'm providing another Evernote form for Freebie Friday. This is a super simple form (table) to keep track of a select set of test information. When I say simple, I mean simple. It does not keep track of any DNA information, just identifyi…

Is DNA the "Magic Bullet" for Occasional Genealogists?

If you've had a genealogical DNA test done, you probably know the answer to this question. I know questions about using DNA are almost always the first thing people ask me when they find out I'm a professional genealogist. Today's post gives you an answer aimed at Occasional Genealogists. Right…